Should Americans pay reparations for slavery?

Amongst other sins, slavery is one of the great blemishes on the history of the United States. Disgraceful, deplorable, reprehensible, and shameful, slavery was the greatest evil our nation harbored through the 19th century. Because of this great crime we perpetrated against our fellow human beings, we have spent the last 160 years attempting to... Continue reading

Princeton’s Young Deacon Calls for Attention on Armenia

  Nestled into the same region as Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Iran lies the small Christian country of Armenia. Deacon Bedros Maldjian (pictured below in red with 2026 classmates), a current student at Princeton University, loves his Armenian heritage, especially how ancient their Christian roots are: “For us, our culture is centered around Christ... Continue reading

My Workplace is Allowing Men into the Women’s Locker Room…

Debbie, a recent convert to the Catholic faith, called into The Patrick Madrid Show with a perplexing and alarming predicament taking place at her job. “Here’s my question,” she began. “I’m working in a spa right now, and I just found out in a meeting yesterday that we’ve been allowing transgender men into our women’s... Continue reading

The Beatification of the Ulma Family: A Beacon of Light in the Darkest of Times

On September 10th, 2023, during a Mass in Markowa, Poland, Pope Francis celebrated the beatification of a Polish family martyred during World War II for sheltering and hiding Jews. The beatification of the Ulma family is a significant event within the Catholic Church, one that serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of... Continue reading


Honoring Our Merciful Father - We honor our parents not because they give us what… ...


“The Saints” presents Saint Genesius – an actor! - Once upon a time in Rome, a comedian starred in… ...

Faith & Spirituality

A founder for “The Saints”: Josemaría Escrivá - This week on “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage”,… ...

Family & Kids

A founder for “The Saints”: Josemaría Escrivá - This week on “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage”,… ...